We had a great time at the IED 2024 Holiday Party
Everyone was in good spirits, we ate delicious food at Venuti's Italian Restaurant, and Jim Bulanda was amazing, as usual. He ended the night with New York, New York and sang it in a Tony Bennett and Frank Sinatra style—it was one of his best performances yet! We wish all of our members and everyone in the industry Happy Holidays, and we hope you have a great start to 2025.
Business Meetings
There are five meetings this year: three Business Meetings and two Social Meetings.
2025 Event Schedule
The details for the 2025 Event Schedule will be posted as soon as they have been determined.
Meetings are held at Venuti's Restaurant & Banquet Hall, 2251 W Lake St, Addison, Illinois, unless otherwise noted.

IED Announces Its New Officers
The Illinois Equipment Distributors Association held its 57th Holiday Reception and Installation of Officers at Venuti's Restaurant and Banquets on December 12. The officers for 2025 are:
Jon Conant
Jen Snow
Vice President
Tom Stern
Executive Secretary
Jimy Joseph
David Cox
1st Year Director
Michael Morton
2nd Year Director
Joe McKeon
Associate Director

Mission Statement
The business and purposes of this Association shall be to safeguard, promote, foster and advance the interests of its members as Distributors of Construction Machinery and its kindred products; to increase the use of these products; to improve the conditions under which the industry is carried on; to encourage fair business methods; to protect the industry against unfair and unjust burdens and exactions; to collect and disseminate pertinent data relative to the industry; and, generally, do such things authorized in its Certificate of Incorporation as may be necessary to the foregoing results.
Mission Statement
Industry News

IED Meeting Presentations, 3/23/23
Used Equipment Market Trends
by Scott Rozwalka
Right-to-Repair Update
by George Whitaker

The Wells Fargo Construction Industry Forecast for 2023: Cautious Optimism